Florida Versus Georgia All-Star Game ends in brawl

Kenneth Stephens New Era Prep Staff Writer

COLLEGE PARK, GEORGIA – The 6th annual Florida versus Georgia game ended in a brawl that has went viral.

There was a huge build up going into the 6th annual Florida versus Georgia All-Star game due to the huge rivalry.

Throughout the course of the game, players were trash talking back and forth, which is not unusual due to the nature of the sport.

Although the game involved student athletes from Palm Beach County, this was not a school event or an event that the Florida High School Athletic Association sanctioned.

Things got out of hand in the third quarter when a couple of players got into heated verbal exchanges, that lead to punches being thrown.

The point that is being overlooked in this entire mess of a game is how the fight actually started.

Well, we have the answers, and the side of the story that is unlikely to be told by other media outlets, due to their lack of proper investigation.

The referees were disinterested in officiating the game. Anyone in attendance could speak to this. Referees were openly jocular throughout the entire first half.

Just to detail some of the comments made by referees throughout the game.

“Man it’s cold out here, I’m trying to get up out of here.”

“Man stop throwing your damn flags, it’s cold out here I’m trying to go.”

“Yeah, I saw that but I’m not going to say anything.”

The game was officiated horribly. Last year in the first half at least four players were ejected from the All-Star game due to unsportsmanlike conduct. This year, zero players were ejected until the fight was in full swing and past the point of control.

There were at least two incidents in the first half that referees could have ejected players and set the tone for the rest of the game. However, the referees dropped the ball on that.

One incident in particular happened right before halftime when a Georgia player grabbed Florida player, Corey Gammage’s face mask and pulled it after the play was blown dead; this happened in plain sight for the referee to call and nothing was done.

The event site could have done a better job with security. Parents, media personnel, and sponsors had to get involved to break up the melee. In an All-Star rivalry game with two teams from two different states, there should have been more security on hand.

The players are ultimately responsible for their actions but it’s the responsibility of the officials to set the tone of a game early and often before things get out of hand.

The underlying message that may not be obvious to some is that a few student athletes in this game got robbed of an entire half of football. Some players were actually saddened by the fight due to this being their last game as a high school player and had not yet received offers from any colleges. This is very unfortunate as there were many college scouts at the All-Star game. Although having college scouts in attendance doesn’t guarantee anyone an offer, it sure is an opportunity to be seen and potentially earn a scholarship.

Team Florida player, Dante Lang, from Boca Raton High School won Most Valuable Player of the game.

Team Florida was crowned winner of the 6th annual Florida versus Georgia All-Star game after leading 16-0 before the brawl broke out.

New Era Prep staff was in attendance reporting live for the All-Star game.

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