Boys Basketball: Forest Hill downs Chaminade-Madonna for five-game win streak

Kenneth Stephens New Era Prep Staff Writer

WEST PALM BEACH – The Forest Hill Falcons didn’t score 90 points tonight, but they didn’t lose either.

Chaminade (3-1) started off the game with a quick 7-0 run. But Forest Hill’s Donovan Draper made a three shot to get the Falcons on the board.

After Draper’s three, the Lions would continue their offensive surge and go up 13-3 midway through the first.

A three by Jalen Jeter got the Falcons to within six with a little under two minutes left in the first, which cut the deficit to 18-12. Forest Hill’s late first quarter defense helped chop Chaminade’s lead to 23-18 going into second frame.

Chaminade’s University of Georgia commit Toumani Camara would drain a tough and-one layup and knock down a free throw to give his team a 33-21 lead midway through second.

Forest Hill’s Brayden Washington cut Chaminade’s lead to single digits on a driving layup, where he was fouled and made a free throw. Chaminade would go back up by double digits after a three by Justin Palacios.

Forest Hill (5-0) would end the first half with a defensive surge and bang as a pass was thrown high to Roderick Johnson for a layup to make it a score of 40-34 at half, cutting Chaminade’s lead to just six.

Camara’s absence in the second half was evident as Forest Hill was able to drive to the hoop early on and tie the game at 45-all midway through the third. The Falcons took their first lead of the night with three minutes in the third to make it 48-47.

Forest Hill’s press defense turned up the pressure on Chaminade in the waning minutes of the third, and Draper would take over late in the frame and score on back-to-back plays to tie the game at 57-all going into the fourth.

The fourth and final frame was a defensive battle as Forest Hill’s trap defense was superb in getting them within one with 3:54 left. Jeter would put Falcons on top with a fast break steal and layup to make it 64-63.

With 2:20 left, Chaminade would tie the game at 68-all on a free throw. A layup by Torren Andrews put Forest Hill up 73-70, but Chaminade would close the gap on two free throws to make it 73-72 with 37.8 seconds left in the game.

With only 4.4 seconds on the clock, Forest Hill would miss a desperation three. But Tylor Miller would out jump everyone to rim and tip in the game-winning score to top Chaminade, 76-74.


Forest Hill: Torren Andrews with 14 points, 10 rebounds, 6 assists, and 3 steals; Tylor Miller with 7 points, 11 rebounds, 5 blocks, and 4 steals

Chaminade: Justin Palacios with 19 points


Chaminade star player Toumani Camara sustained a cut over his eye. Camara was bleeding with the bruise and couldn’t return for the second half. The Lions have a plethora of shooters, but seemed to be out of whack without their big man Camara at times in the second half. Camara’s presence would have been a big help for the Lions down the stretch.

The Falcons have really good team chemistry, which helps them down the stretch. This team can rely on anyone to be “the guy” in clutch moments. The Falcons high tempo trap defense and elite conditioning will help them win a lot of games this year.

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