That Time of Year

Keith Forde New Era Prep Staff Writer

It’s that time of year when young men who sacrificed their summers to prepare and get ready to put on their pads for the Friday night lights.

Many have hopes and aspirations of playing football at the next level, feeling that Division I, II or III holds some promise for them to continue their journey.

Some see it as a way to continue playing the game they have loved all of their lives. Others see it as an avenue to leave the life they have lived, venture to places they have never been and experience things they have yet to experience.

There are even those who seek to obtain a higher education and feel that the potential to earn a scholarship is within their grasp, so they reach for it.

There are fathers who tossed the football in the yard or playfully tackled their sons over and over on their beds. There are mothers who rushed from work to get their kids and even someone else’s kid to practice on time.

Gallons of Gatorade, protein bars, cleats, mouth pieces and pads have been purchased.

Photos, trips, game tickets, fundraisers, concession stands and ice packs all have found their way into your life.

It has all culminated to varsity football, and for many of those players potentially their upcoming last year of organized football itself.

So for those kids and parents, I know the feeling, I know the journey and I understand the emotions and sacrifices involved. I ask that you be sure to engage and absorb all that transpires this year.

We at New Era Prep wish you all, be it players, parents, fans, coaches and family a great upcoming football season!

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