MARTIN COUNTY- A dominator matchup between No.1 Martin County (8-0) and No.7 Okeechobee (6-1) turns in a hard fought match with Martin County winning 13-7, ending Okeechobee’s 6 win streak on Thursday evening. (March 30).
Okeechobee has the ball and its offense pushes through Martin County but fall short a few yards from the goal line and turnover on downs.
Martin County’s offense makes an effort to move forward but falls and punts the ball back to Okeechobee.

Okeechobee’s QB Leta Adamo throws a perfect dime to Sanye Washington setting up the first score in the game and top it with a extra point from Jillian Durfee.
Martin County strikes back with a 50 Yard rushing touchdown from QB Cali Scornavacca and tie the game with a extra point from Hailey Walsh.
Okeechobee attempts a comeback with gaining yardage and downs but get intercepted in the second quarter by Taylor Murray and third quarter by Elena Lentine.

With Martin County in possession of the ball in the third quarter, Hailey Walsh switches to quarterback on the drive and scores a 48 Yard rushing touchdown leading on the board, but lose the extra point from a perfectly ball deflect from Okeechobee Jillian Durfee.
With few minutes left in the fourth quarter Okeechobee has possession of the ball and with hopes of a touchdown, get intercepted by Lentine but holds the ball longer due to the call gets overruled by a penalty from Martin County.
The play right after the overruled call, Okeechobee decides to go for a pass but yet again gets intercepted with Lentine continuously being at the right place at the right time.

With perfect strategy and timing Martin County winds up the time with plays and secures their win with a QB kneel ending the game 13-7 against Okeechobee.
Martin County goes against Boca Raton (2-8) Tuesday night April 4th at 6PM located at Boca Raton Community High School.
Okeechobee goes in a match up against Lake Placid (2-7) April 4th at 7PM located at Okeechobee High School.